Altar Servers – Opportunities exist for young people and adults to serve at Mass and other liturgical services, such as weddings and funerals. Those volunteering will be trained in the proper practice of assisting at the altar. For more information, email Deacon Bob at [email protected]
Ministers of the Eucharist – Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Eucharist (Body and Blood of the Lord) at parish Masses, in the nursing homes and for the homebound members of our parish. For more information, email Marie at [email protected]
Ministers of Hospitality – Member of the Hospitality Ministry, also known as Greeters, welcome people as they arrive for Mass assuring that everyone feels welcome at our parish. For more information, email Margaret at [email protected]
Music Ministry – The Music Ministry enhances the celebration of the liturgy for the St. Michael parish community through music and song. The Music Ministry may include the Cantor, who is the leader of songs, instrumentalists, and the Choir. For more information, email Joe at [email protected]
Prayer and Worship Ministry - Parishioners coordinate special liturgies and events, such as Advent and Lenten activities. For more information, email Marie at [email protected]
Prayer Chain Ministry – The Prayer Chain Ministry forms a network of people who agree to pray for all special requests and the intentions of parishioners who are ill or in need of prayers. For more information, email Marilyn at [email protected] or Liz at [email protected]
Proclaimers of the Word (Lectors) – Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord at the weekend liturgies and holy days. Those volunteering will be trained and then assigned to a Mass of their choice. For more information, email Marie at [email protected]
Ushers – Ushers are ministers of hospitality and are charged with making sure everyone feels welcome at St. Michael’s. Ushers may help seat people or assist the physically disabled or elderly. Ushers take up the collections and help direct the congregation at communion time. They distribute bulletins, and assist anyone who becomes ill. For more information, email Lou at [email protected]