There are so many things to do at St. Michael's! As a vibrant faith community, St. Michael's provides many different opportunities for all of us to join together for worship, play, and service. Take a look at all the offerings below and join us - we would love to welcome you!
Altar Servers - As part of the Prayer and Worship Ministry, opportunities exist for young people and adults to serve at Mass and other liturgical services, such as weddings and funerals. Those volunteering will be trained in the proper practice of assisting at the altar. For more information, email Deacon Bob at [email protected]
Altar Society - As part of the Women Guild, this group ensures the sanctuary is prepared for all liturgies. Members clean, wash and iron linens, repair acolyte robes, polish the sacred vessels, etc. For more information, email Margaret at [email protected]
Baptismal Ministry - The members of this ministry work with a partner to prepare parents of a child for the baptismal rite. They explain the meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism and guide parents through the sacramental liturgy.
For more information, email Jo Ann at [email protected] or Sharon at [email protected]
Bereavement Ministry - As part of Pastoral Care, members of this group reach out to those who have lost a loved one and assist the family in planning the funeral liturgy. This ministry plans and coordinates semi-annual Memorial services, sends cards, and letters, and makes follow-up calls and visits to provide ongoing support. For more information, email Rosemary at [email protected]
Bible Study - The Bible Study group studies and discusses a specific book or theme of the Bible each semester, a wonderful community way to learn and pray God's Word. The group meets on Sunday afternoons for multi-week sessions during the school year. For more information, click here or email Ted at [email protected]
Book Club - Do you like to read? The book club reads books suggested by a member and gets together every other month to discuss the book and our reactions to it. We read a mix of novels, inspirational books, and non-fiction. For more information, click here or email Carol at [email protected]
Building and Grounds Ministry - As part of Administration, this group assists the Pastor in maintaining the parish property, planning and supervising projects to beautify or enhance the parish facilities. For more information, email Lou at [email protected] or Teresa at [email protected]
Card Ministry - As part of Pastoral Care, volunteers send cards donated by parishioners to those who are ill or homebound. For more information, email Deacon Bob at [email protected]
Crafty Ladies - The Crafty Ladies would like to invite you to join our knitting and crocheting group at St. Michael's. We meet on Wednesdays from 9:30 until 11:30. Our projects consist of making hats, scarfs, mittens or whatever you care to make which gets distributed to the less fortunate in the Troy area. We have a volunteer who distributes items where needed most. Come join us any Wednesday. For more information, email Dolores at [email protected]
Dominos Club - Join us to play dominos! For more information, email MaryAnn at [email protected]
Evangelization Ministry - This ministry invites our friends, families and neighbors to experience the richness of our Catholic faith life at St. Michael the Archangel; through our beautiful liturgies, social events, and providing opportunities for spirituality, fellowship, and service. For more information, click here or email Teresa at [email protected]
Flag Ministry - As part of Pastoral Care, the Flag Ministry is responsible for the United States flag flown at the Church. Most of the flags were donated by families of veterans in memory of a loved one. This ministry is responsible for the proper disposal of the worn flags. For more information, email Deacon Bob at [email protected]
Food Delivery Ministry – This group delivers the food collected in the parish monthly food drives to the Roarke Center and CoNSERNS-U. These members also make deliveries to local agencies of the gifts from our Christmas Giving tree and items from other collections throughout the year. For more information, email Bill at [email protected]
Food for the Soul - As part of the Women’s Guild, members of this group meet biweekly to make sandwiches and supply cookies, snacks, fruit and water for Joseph House staff, Troy, to deliver to the homeless in Troy and Albany counties. For more information, email Margaret at [email protected]
Garden Ministry - As part of the Women Guild, this group maintains the Memory Garden and other shrubs and flower beds on the parish grounds. For more information email Teresa at [email protected]
Hospitality - As part of the Women Guild, this group provides setup and refreshments for parish activities and social events. For more information, email Margaret at [email protected]
Military - As part of the Women Guild, this group collects items from the parishioners to send overseas to our troops.
Ministers of the Eucharist - As part of the Prayer and Worship Ministry, Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Eucharist (Body and Blood of the Lord) at parish Masses, in nursing homes and for the homebound members of our parish. For more information, email Marie at [email protected]
Ministry of Greeters - As part of the Prayer and Worship Ministry, members of the Greeters - also known as the Hospitality Ministry - welcome people as they arrive for Mass, assuring that everyone feels welcome at our parish. For more information, email Marie at [email protected]
Money Counters -
Music Ministry - As part of the Prayer and Worship Ministry, the Music Ministry enhances our weekend liturgies through music and song. During the school year, the choir practices weekly on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Come sing with us! No tryouts necessary! Interested in being a Cantor or do you play an instrument that could enhance our liturgies? Let's talk! For more information, email Joe at [email protected]
Pastoral Care Ministry - The Pastoral Care Ministry directs pastoral care activities, supporting our parishioners in need, planning, and coordinating services to the homebound, sick and disabled. The involvement and coordination of many volunteers is vital to this widespread ministry of the parish. For more information, email Deacon Bob at [email protected]
Prayer Chain Ministry - As part of the Prayer and Worship Ministry, the Prayer Chain Ministry forms a network of people who agree to pray for all special requests and the intentions of parishioners who are ill or in need of prayers. For more information, email Marilyn at [email protected] or Liz at [email protected]
Proclaimers of the Word (Lectors) - As part of the Prayer and Worship Ministry, Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord at the weekend liturgies and holy days. Those volunteering will be trained and then assigned to a Mass of their choice. For more information, email Marie at [email protected]
Sick & Vigil - As part of the Women Guild, this group sends cards to members of the Guild who have been sick, lost a loved one, or are just in need of support and encouragement. For more information, email Marilyn at [email protected]
Social Justice Ministry - The Social Justice Ministry provides numerous opportunities for parishioners to be active disciples of Jesus, caring for the poor and vulnerable with acts of Christian service and charity. We meet four to six times per year to plan projects and activities for the entire parish, and we collaborate with St. Jude's on several projects. For more information, click here or email Ellen at [email protected]
Social Media Ministry - As part of Administration, members involved in this ministry create, organize and maintain information on the parish Facebook and Instagram sites, the parish website, Google calendar and mobile parish app. This group also livestreams our liturgies. For more information, email Ellen at
[email protected]
Taize Prayer Services - On a hill in Southern France the spirit of Taize began with a community of brothers chanting simple songs of praise to God. By singing simple songs of prayer over and over again the mind calms and the soul opens up. God speaks and the heart hears. Taize service is a quiet and contemplative prayer for all Christians. Duration is about 30- 40 minutes. All are welcome.
Ushers - As part of the Prayer and Worship Ministry, Ushers are ministers of hospitality and are charged with making sure everyone feels welcome at St. Michael’s. Ushers may help seat people or assist the physically disabled or elderly. Ushers take up the collections and help direct the congregation at communion time. They distribute bulletins, and assist anyone who becomes ill. For more information, email Lou at [email protected]
Walking Club - Calling all walkers! Our Walking Ministry times are 10:30 to 11:30 Winter, Spring and Fall; and 9:00 to 10:00 in Summer. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. On nice weather days we walk outside using the LaSalle track. When weather is inclement, or too cold, we use the LaSalle lower Gym. Join Us! All are Welcome! For more information, email Deacon Bob at [email protected]
Welcome Ministry - As part of Administration, members of this group foster a welcoming presence, reaching out personally to newly registered members of the parish and coordinating Welcome Dinners. They answer questions about the parish and parish activities, encourage participation in parish ministries and invite new parishioners to parish events. For more information, email Ann at [email protected]
Women's Guild - As part of Administration, the Women’s Guild has been a staple of the St. Michael Parish Community from the very beginning! All women of the parish are welcome! We engage parishioners in projects and activities that support and enhance the community spirit of our parish. For more information, click here or email Caroline (President) at [email protected]