Our parish is committed to supporting the whole parish in Lifelong Faith Formation. Faith Formation of our youth, along with other parish programs offer robust opportunities for deepening our knowledge and practice of our Catholic Faith. For information on any of our programs, please call JoAnn Taylor, 518 283 6110, ext 204; or email[email protected]
Faith Formation Ministry –We help to form the faith of the children in our parish in partnership with their parents. All parents are included in prayer time at the beginning of every Children’s Faith Formation session. All parishioners are invited also to listen to special speakers and attend special services planned for our Youth Faith Formation.
Weekly classes for children in grades K-5. 4 year old's are welcome to participate upon request
Classes for Junior High and High School students, two to three times per month
To Register for classes, call JoAnn Taylor at 518 283 6110 ext 204 or complete our online registration form at this link On Line Registration Form and JoAnn will follow up with you.
if you prefer, you can also print our registration form, Faith Formation Registration Form, and bring to the church office or mail to:
JoAnn Taylor St Michael the Archangel Parish 175 Williams Rd, Troy NY 12180
Sessions for parents of our Faith Formation youth, as well as any interested adult
Sacramental preparation for sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation are provided by catechists, parents, and sponsors. Preparation includes family activities, retreat days and gatherings.
Youth Ministry – We include all children in Youth Ministry to enhance the personal and spiritual growth of our young people. We focus on Christian service projects, church activities, and other parish ministries, to encourage their participation in the whole Catholic faith community
Baptismal Ministry – The members of this ministry work with a partner to prepare parents of a child for the baptismal rite. They explain the meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism and guide parents through the sacramental liturgy. For more information, email Jo Ann at [email protected]or Sharon at [email protected]
Bible Study – The group studies and discusses a specific book or theme of the Bible each semester, a wonderful community way to learn and pray God’s Word. For more information email Ted Close at [email protected]
Evangelization – This ministry invites our friends, families and neighbors, to experience the richness of our Catholic faith life at St Michael the Archangel; through our beautiful liturgies, social events, and providing opportunities for spirituality, fellowship, and service. For more information, send email to Teresa Murphy at [email protected]
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) – RCIA is a modern form of the ancient custom used in the first centuries of Christianity for admitting new members into the Church. This journey of formation is for people who have not been baptized, were baptized in another Christian tradition or baptized Catholic and desiring to receive First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. The RCIA journey is concerned with the total formation of the person: learning about the Catholic community (doctrinal formation), living within the Catholic community (practical formation), praying with the Catholic community (liturgical formation) and serving the Catholic community (apostolic formation). For more information, please contact St. Michael's by phone at 518-283-6110 or via email at [email protected]
Vocation Awareness – This Ministry promotes awareness of all vocations: the priesthood, consecrated life, marriage and lay ministry opportunities. The Vocations Awareness ministry pray for particular guidance from their patron, the Holy Family. Through community prayer and activities involving families, such as making Advent wreaths or building gingerbread houses or playing whiffle ball, the members foster a parish appreciation of vocations, and a focus on increasing vocations, especially the need for priests. Members support and encourage our seminarians with prayers, gift cards, birthday and other special occasion remembrances. For information contact Bill Prendergast, at [email protected]